Tuesday, January 17, 2017

47 56 119 | Squirrels deemed greatest threat to infrastructure in United States and Europe, January 17, 2017 reporting from the BBC

Squirrel = 47/56/119 (11)
Threat = 27/72 (9)


This reporting comes from the BBC, or the '223'.


  1. An Army of Squirrels=1252= Washington DC


    1. Reminds of way back in the day when I still nerded out with Magic: The Gathering cards. There was an Army of Squirrels card.

      An Army of Squirrels is still an army.

    2. That's hilarious about Magic: The Gathering!

      Since you're not all that far away, do you recall (in the late '90's) the Vampire Clan from Murray, KY?
      They (reportedly) killed a couple in FL & believed that their leader -- Rod Ferrell -- was REALLY a vampire.

      They were heavy into Magic: The Gathering.

      Question: was the "Army of Squirrels" good or bad?

      Believe it or not -- I actually have a legitimate reason for wanting to know! Lol

  2. Army of Squirrels sounds like a good name for a band.

    Didn't they blame a squirrel for shutting down CERN one time?

    1. Ha, that's funny.... but in all seriousness, I know squirrels really can turn out the power when they mess with the breakers on power lines. It usually means RIP for one of our squirrel friends. I've seen it happen once before. I think this article is cluing us into just how small the threats really are in this world.

    2. I gotta be different -- Squirrels are Awesome!

      Granted -- we hand-raised & lived with "Earla The Squirrela" for nearly 15 years -- so I'm biased ...

      But let's face it ... they're more savvy & determined --
      & much more physically agile -- than most humans.

      This "Squirrelmageddon" report has been floating around in tech circles for several years now -- & yet they're STILL unable to OUTWIT THE SQUIRRELS.

      Sure -- from a HUMAN'S perspective -- they can be destructive as hell ...
      but when it comes to adaptation & survivability -- squirrels are pretty damned amazing.

      We TRY to "outsmart" them -- but (outside of going primitive & killing them) ... our efforts are always at best a patchwork of "fixes" that only hold for awhile.

      "Earla" definitely chewed the shit out of any & everything -- but we also discovered that she was incredibly intelligent & "caring".

      Beyond her (large) cage, Earla's domain was my daughter's room -- & on school days she would invariably find "treats" stashed inside her shoes & book bag.

      But Earla ONLY left the kinds of treats that the two of them shared -- like peanuts & dry cereal -- never "squirrel food".

      And it was ONLY left on School Days -- never on weekends, holidays, or even "sick days".
      Some subtle difference in behavior must've tipped Earla off ... but it was astounding how she NEVER got it wrong.

      The fact that a squirrel can "care enough" to "Pack A Snack" for "Their Human" goes to show how little we understand about the creatures around us -- especially those we CLAIM to "dominate".

      Heh heh -- most squirrels barely weigh a pound -- & yet they've consistently managed to outmaneuver the "greatest minds" out there. How can anyone not admire that kind of moxy? Lol

      Thanks for sharing this article --
      It brought back some great memories of good times we had with Earla.

      As though it were yesterday, I can still see Earla perched atop my daughter's head or draped across her shoulders -- while she sat on her bed doing homework.

      Thanks for unexpectedly making me smile & laugh! ;D

  3. "squirrelly" in the English Ordinal system equals 156

  4. Tie C4 to a few squirrels let them loose on a building or stadium.
    It's really going to GAG A person

    I'm not wishing that or know anything related to that type of Evil.

    Just saying. The cop killer in Texas wax blown up by a robot. Hoax or not fucking testing live explosives in the element of a city block is fucking insane and unpredictable.
    Anyone with Explosive training will agree.
    Anything goes in TEXAS they do things Really big like a whit rapper with diamond grills named PAUL(Police) WALL !!!!

    Cheers 🍻


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